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2024-01-26 17:43:16
美[naɪtə]  英[naɪtə]
n.  硝酸钾(硝酸钠)


  1. (KNO3) used especially as a fertilizer and explosive


  1. This gang of Huang Yan rains when the day namely becomes the niter acid rain. 这股黄烟在天下雨时即成为硝酸雨。
  2. D3:around 6:00see sun rise in deset:9:00am ride camel and look Niter lake,then come out around 11:00. 第二天:早6:00前日出,骑骆驼进行沙漠探险。看日落并观星赏月。在沙漠里吃中餐和完餐。
  3. Since the major raw material of gunpowder niter is as white as snow, Arabians called gunpowder “Chinese Snow"and "Chinese Salt". 因为制造火药的主要原料硝石洁白如雪,所以火药被阿拉伯人称为“中国雪”和“中国盐”。
  4. Later, people made up black gunpowder with niter, sulfur and charcoal of certain proportions on the basis of the formula. 后来,人们根据这个配方,将硝石、硫磺、木炭按一定比例配制在一起,制成了黑火药。
  5. Theoretically, active power niter can suppress load harmonic current effectively and it is one of the most promising methods to solve the harmonic problem. 有源电力滤波器从原理上讲能够有效抑制负载谐波电流,是解决电力谐波问题最具前景的手段之一。
  6. The nitric acid three plunger pump seal box structural design is unreasonable,creates seals easily to expire,seriously affected and restricted the straight niter instrallation production. 硝酸三柱泵密封结构设计不合理,造成密封易失效,严重地影响和制约了直硝装置浓硝酸的生产。