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2024-01-26 18:01:16
美[ˌnaɪtrəbenziːn]  英[ˌnaɪtrəbenziːn]
n.  硝基苯


  1. a poisonous oily water-soluble liquid used as a solvent and in the manufacture of aniline


  1. Another drawback is that nitrobenzene is both poisonous and explosive. 硝基苯的另一个缺点是既有毒又易爆炸。
  2. The pattern derived from nitrobenzene is markedly different from the others. 硝基苯的图样和其他的有明显区别。
  3. In the prcsence of Nitrobenzene, the TPC is then converted to the TPPH2. 在硝基苯存在下TPC被氧化成TPPH_2。
  4. What is driving the growth of Chinese aniline and nitrobenzene production? 是什么推动了中国苯胺和硝基苯生产的增长呢?
  5. Bio-cooperation effect and mixing substrates in the aerobic degradation of nitrobenzene. 硝基苯好氧降解的共基质及生物协同作用。
  6. Influence of Soya Lecithin on the Biodegradation of Nitrobenzene by Acinetobacter sp. 大豆磷脂对不动杆菌降解硝基苯的影响。