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2024-01-26 18:21:16
美[ˌnaɪtroʊsəmiːn]  英[ˌnaɪtrəʊsəmiːn]
n.  [化] 亚硝胺


  1. The result showed that both the rates of interdicting Nitrosamine and elimination of Nitrite could reach up to 90%. 实验结果表明:蚂蚁提取液对亚硝胺合成的阻断率和对亚硝酸根离子的清除率高达90%25。
  2. People in the high-incidence area gastric nitrosamine compounds were significantly lower than the district. 高发区人胃液中亚硝胺类化合物含量明显高于低发区。
  3. The chemistry ,content in food and human ingestion of nitrosamine were analysed. 食品中亚硝胺的生成、含量及被人体摄入情况;
  4. Vitamin C can boost immunity and can prevent the formation of a strong carcinogen nitrosamine. 而维生素C可增强免疫力,能阻止强致癌物质亚硝胺的形成。
  5. The results indiceated that Elaeagnus angustifolia is not only a pioneer tree,but also a good food to prevent forming nitrosamine from nitrite in body. 试验结果表明,沙枣不仅可以作水土保持、防沙造林的先锋树种,还由于它富含抗氧化物,可作为人体降低体内亚硝胺生成的良好补充源。
  6. The carcinogenic mechanism of nitrosamine is that it may cause the changes of tumor related gene and suppressor gene in esophageal epithelisl cells. 其致癌机制研究显示,亚硝胺可引起食管上皮细胞相关癌基因抑癌基因发生改变,大大促进癌变。