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2024-01-26 18:32:17
美[naɪtroʊtɒljʊiːn]  英[naɪtrəʊtɒljʊiːn]
n.  硝基甲苯炸药


  1. In this paper,ortho nitrobenzaldehyde is prepared with indirect oxo-process for o nitrotoluene. 以邻硝基甲苯为原料,采用间接氧化法制备邻硝基苯甲醛。
  2. The dielectric spectra of isomers of nitrotoluene have been determined by dielectric analysis. 实验证明,介电分析是一种较简单有效的分析方法。
  3. The HPLC methods for seperation and determination of isomers of nitrotoluene and nitrobenzoic acid were studied. 采用HPLC法对硝基甲苯与硝基苯甲酸异构体混合物进行分离和测定。
  4. A new process was developed to synthesize 2 nitrobenzyl alcohol from 2 nitrotoluene by catalytic bromination. 研究了邻硝基甲苯经催化溴化合成邻硝基苯甲醇工艺。
  5. A new thought for preparing m cresol from m nitrotoluene via reduction, diazotiation and hydrolsis is proposed in this paper. 提出了以间硝基甲苯为原料,通过还原、重氮化、水解等过程合成间甲酚的新思路。
  6. The aromatic position isomers, such as xylene and nitrotoluene, were separated well.Moreover, some chiral compounds including alcohol, amine, ester etc., were also resolved. 不但对二甲笨、硝甲苯等难分离的芳香族位置异构体,而且对醇、胺、酯等多种类型的手性异构体均有很好的分离能力和手性选择能力。