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2024-01-26 19:37:17
美[ˌnɒktɪluːkə]  英[ˌnɒktɪluːkə]
n.  [动]夜光虫(一种原生动物)


  1. large bioluminescent marine protozoan


  1. It has a significance in predicting the occurring of the Noctiluca ... 认为研究结果对预测夜光藻赤潮发生具有一定的指导意义。
  2. Numerical simulation is carried out using the Noctiluca scientillans red tide inDapeng Bay as an example. 模型再现了赤潮发生前海水中营养物质浓度有一次明显的增高,而在赤潮发育盛期营养物质浓度降至低谷的现象;
  3. Any of various bioluminescent dinoflagellates of the genus Noctiluca that when grouped in large numbers make the sea phosphorescent. 夜光藻一种生物发光鞭毛目动物,夜光藻属,当其成群量出现时,使海洋出现磷光现象
  4. Red tide creatures are mainly planktonic algae, such as pyrrhophyta, bacillariophyta, flagellates and noctiluca scintillans, etc. 赤潮生物主要是浮游的藻类,如甲藻类、硅藻类、鞭毛藻类、夜光藻等。
  5. The event that the red tides of Noctiluca scintillans had been replaced by other species and the possible causes are discussed. 发现了夜光藻赤潮在19%25年后被其它种类赤潮所更替的现象,并初步探讨其原因;
  6. This paper analyses the Relationship between variations in Noctiluca miliaris suriray population and the temperature incultivated area of Qinhuangdao seawater. 本文通过对秦皇岛近海养殖区夜光藻的调查,分析研究了夜光藻种群的动态与温度变化的关系。