2024-01-26 19:42:16
n. [动] 夜蛾;夜蛾科之昆虫
adj. 夜蛾科的
- usually dull-colored medium-sized nocturnal moth; the usually smooth-bodied larvae are destructive agricultural pests
- A Study on Nuclear Polyhedrosis from the NoCtuid Moth Prodenia litura Fab. 斜纹夜蛾(Prodenia litura Fab.;)的核多角体病的研究
- Scanning electron microscope image of the compound eye of a noctuid moth. 扫描电子显微镜图像的复眼的夜蛾蛾。Each facet of the eye (ommatidium) is approximately 25 microns wide.;每个小眼(小眼)约为25微米宽。
- Any of various noctuid moths of the genus Calocala,having brightly colored hind wings visible only during flight. 后勋绶夜蛾一种Calocala属夜蛾科蛾,有鲜丽的彩色后翅,在飞行时才能看到
- Any of various noctuid moths of the genus Calocala, having brightly colored hind wings visible only during flight. 后勋绶夜蛾一种Calocala属夜蛾科蛾,有鲜丽的彩色后翅,在飞行时才能看到
- Diomea cremata Butler,a noctuid insect pest of mushroom,was newly found in Fujian Province. 本文报道的星狄夜蛾 Diomea cremata Butler 是福建省食用菌害虫的新记录.
- The most damaged species were butterfly, noctuid, leafroller, longicorn, termite, red spider mite, scale insect and thrips. 其中发生普遍的有台湾乳白蚁、黑翅土白蚁、柑桔红蜘蛛、麻斑樟凤蝶、黛袋蛾、黑褐圆盾蚧、褐软蚧等9种害虫;