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2024-01-26 20:31:17
美[nɔɪl]  英[nɔɪl]
n.  刷屑(精梳短毛;一种锡青铜)


  1. Its sizing effects on bright rayon, noil silk yarn and spun silk yarn are to be further tested. 对有光人丝、?丝和绢丝的上浆效果,尚待作进一步试验研究。
  2. The detaching distance is an important parameter for adjusting comber noil and combing quality. 摘要落棉隔距是影响精梳机落棉率与梳理质量的重要参数。
  3. By the noil test and processing analyses on three equipments,the reasonable processing scheme was find out. 通过对此三种设备进行落棉试验和工艺分析,从中找出了合理的落棉工艺方案。
  4. The yarn spun with hemp fiber and tussah silk noil in certain blending ratio takes advantages of both fibers. 将大麻纤维与柞蚕丝落绵通过一定比例混纺,可集两种纤维的优点于一身。
  5. In this paper, the process influence of comb noil, the relationship of noil quantity and quality are discussed. 论述了精梳落棉的工艺,讨论了落棉数量与落棉质量的控制及关系。
  6. The optimum technological combination has been obtained,in the previous studies,forproducing coarse pure ramie noil yarns in rotor spinning system currently. 苎麻纯落麻转杯纺的系列研究已经得出目前纺制纯落麻转杯纱的最优工艺组合。