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2024-01-26 20:46:17
美[noʊloʊ]  英[nəʊləʊ]
sp.  <拉>n.=nolo contendere


  1. Bootloader (Nolo) can be updated over Maemo Update. 升级了工程调试模式。
  2. A plea can be guilty, not guilty, or where permitted nolo contendere. (See preliminary hearing. 被告的答辩开始,做无罪或者有罪的答辩或者认罪。
  3. Its not hard to do once you learn how (get the Nolo Press book "Patent it Yourself"). 你总是可以很容易的找到市场机会,进入,然后打败竞争者。
  4. Upon the indictments being filed in court, the person accused must either plead guilty or nolo contendere or stand trial. 这个起诉书一旦由法院签发,被告人要么认罪,要么辩称无罪,或者受审。
  5. Convicted either by your guilty or Nolo Contendere Plea or by a Court or Jury trail ... Which punishment could have been one year or more in prison. 你曾经被判过一年或一年以上的徒刑吗不管你是有罪的或者进行过无罪的辩护;也无论是由州的或联邦的法官审判或者陪审团审判的.
  6. This cumbersome, artificial procedure is avoided by using the exception rule in guilty or nolo contendere plea cases where it is applicable. 这个繁琐的过程因使用适用于有罪答辩或“不愿辩护也不承认有罪的答辩”(NoloContendere)的例外而得以避免。