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2024-01-26 21:14:17
美[nɒməˌneɪtə]  英[nɒmɪneɪtə]
n.  提名者;任命者;叙任者


  1. someone who proposes a candidate for appointment or election


  1. The nominator has worked for three months in our hotel. 在本酒店工作满三个月的员工方有评选资格。
  2. The nominator must be a current registered social worker. 提名人现时必须为注册社工.
  3. However, the nominator must obtain consent of nominees before submitting their names. 但提名人需事先获得候选人同意,方可呈送候选人名单。
  4. Examples are mafioso with dark background, Scharping, Liar, Nominator, Jinx, The stubborn civilian etc. 你可以设计一些这些角色的翻版,但是可以 主动出击 ,把这些效力临时性的或永久的给与他人。
  5. If there is more than one nominator for the same candidate, please photocopy this page for providing particulars of the other nominator(s). 若有超过一位人士提名同一候选人,请复印本页,以便填写各提名人的资料。
  6. The completed namination form should be submitted to the Human Resources Department by the 25th of the month.The nominator has worked for three months in our hotel. 请各部门将已填好的提名表与本月25日前送交人力资源部。在本酒店工作满三个月的员工方有评选资格。