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2024-01-26 21:22:17
美[noʊmɒgrəfɪ]  英[nəʊmɒgrəfɪ]
n.  列线图解法;法律制定论


  1. The nomograph in relation of freezing modulus to diffrent technological factors has been built. 在此基础上,建立起表征各因素与铸件凝固模数关系的诺谟图。
  2. A nomography used for internal pressure vessel design and collation is provided,the way for the special uses and the range are also introduced . 绘制了内压容器设计与校核专用图,介绍了其使用方法及适用范围。
  3. The nomography is characterized by use widely,common auailability,easy to use,exact result,so it improves the traditional way of design and collation. 算图用途广、共用性强、方法简单且结果准确,是对传统设计与校核方法的创新。
  4. Since the formula is complicated in its manipulation, a nomograph based on the equation has been developed. 由于此公式的计算复杂,已制订了基于此公式的诺谟图。
  5. Moreover,on the basis of this nomograph,the equation has been obtained for calculating PMV under different indoor environment in summer. 并在图解出PMV的基础上,导出求解不同环境条件下PMV的计算公式,为空调技术提供了简单计算PMV的方法。
  6. The result was shown that the program runs quickly and in reliability ,It can replace the nomograph method and use easily for predicating sonic fatigue life of aircraft skin-panel structure . 通过已有的算例进行验证,结果表明计算迅速可靠,可以代替以列线图为主要手段的求解方法,广泛的应用于工程领域。