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2024-01-26 21:30:16
美[ˌnɒnəkseptəns]  英[nɒnəkseptəns]
n.  不答应;拒绝接受支票


  1. the act of refusing an offer;

    "the turndown was polite but very firm"


  1. That is precisely what you do when you are in a state of nonacceptance. 这完全就是当你不处于接受时状态下会去做的事。
  2. The drawee refusing acceptance must produce a certificate of dishonor by nonacceptance. 付款人拒绝承兑的,必须出具拒绝承兑的证明。
  3. The pain that you create now is always some form of nonacceptance, some form of unconscious resistance to what is. 你现在所创造的痛苦,十之八、九都是对“本然如是”(whatis)某种形式的不接纳和无意识的抗拒。
  4. To exercise the right to recourse, the holder shall provide a protest or the grounds for dishonor and other certificates concerning the dishonor by nonacceptance or nonpayment. 持票人行使追索权,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的拒绝证明或者退票理由书以及其他有关证明。
  5. Moreover, nonacceptance of the emotion dysregulation could successfully distinguish students with DSH from students with no history of DSH in the past 1 year. 在区分是否有自伤行为部分,情绪调节困难的不接纳与无助能够有效解释自伤行为的有无;
  6. For a draft payable at a fixed period after sight, the time limit for payment shall be calculated by month from the date of acceptance or dishonor by nonacceptance, and be recorded on the draft. 见票后定期付款的汇票付款期限自承兑或拒绝承兑日起按月计算,并在汇票上记载。