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2024-01-26 21:34:17
美[nɒnədɪktɪv]  英[nɒnədɪktɪv]
adj.  (毒品等)不致瘾的


  1. not causing or characterized by addiction;

    "for years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive"


  1. A synthetic narcotic drug,C19H27NO,used as a nonaddictive analgesic,often in place of morphine. 镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
  2. A synthetic narcotic drug, C19H27NO, used as a nonaddictive analgesic, often in place of morphine. 镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
  3. A nonaddictive opium derivative, C20H21NO4, used medicinally to relieve spasms of smooth muscle. 罂粟碱由苄基异喹啉衍生的一种结晶生物碱,C20H21NO4,医药上用作解痉剂
  4. A nonaddictive opium derivative,C20H21NO4,used medicinally to relieve spasms of smooth muscle. 罂粟碱由苄基异喹啉衍生的一种结晶生物碱,C20H21NO4,医药上用作解痉剂
  5. Bamford says that if researchers can pinpoint the resetting mechanism, it would enable them to design nonaddictive drugs to trigger it. ??? Bamford说如果研究人员可以确认重启的机制,它将使他们可以设计某种非成瘾药品来触发。
  6. for years tobacco companies have contended that tobacco is nonaddictive. 多年来,烟草公司一直硬说烟草是不致瘾的。