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2024-01-26 21:40:17
美[nɒnægrɪkʌltʃərəl]  英[nɒnægrɪkʌltʃərəl]
adj.  非农业的


  1. Lower effective tax rate on farm real property than on nonagricultural real property in nearly all states. 在几乎所有州,农业财产有效税率低于非农业财产有效税率。
  2. Strictly protect the basic farmland and control the occupation of agricultural land for nonagricultural purposes. 严格保护基本农田,控制非农业建设占用农用地;
  3. Most operate at a loss and only survive by supplementing their income through nonagricultural activities. 新法的条文几乎根本没有谈及如果具体实施这些措施。
  4. Shangzhuang town has the advantages in introducing this policy as it has a higher nonagricultural income. 区域差别:梅林镇和湖塘乡补偿消极型农户明显多于尚庄镇,而尚庄镇旁观响应型比重较高,这与区域社会经济发展背景有关,梅林镇在区位上优于其他乡镇,经济较为发达,农户的非农收入水平较高,兼业化程度也高于其他乡镇。
  5. These “irregular workers” make up about 10 percent of the nonagricultural work force. 这些“非正式工人”约占非农业劳动力的10%25。
  6. And this is the result that peasants extensive participation in nonagricultural production and close ties with city. 广泛参与市场关系、外出打短工迅速发展、与城市联系不断加深,这些都拓宽了农民的视野,提高了农民的整体文化水平。