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2024-01-26 21:45:17
美[nɒneɪn]  英[nɒneɪn]
n.  [化]壬烷


  1. Nonans single heart and simple mind had room for only one feeling and one thought. 拿侬单纯的心,简单的头脑,只容得下一种感情,一个念头。
  2. Diazaspiro [4.4] nonane was synthesized from malononitrile as the starting material by a series of nucleleophilic displacement, hydrolytic cyclization and carbonyl reduction. 摘要以丙二腈为原料,经过亲核取代、水解环合、羰基还原系列反应,合成了2,7-二氮螺[4.;4]壬烷。
  3. PA9T exploited recently was synthesized using terephthalic acid and nonane diamine owned combined merits of the heat-durability and the processing ability. 最近开发出来的PA9T是以对苯二甲酸与较长碳链的壬二胺聚合得到的,其具有兼顾耐热性与加工性的优点,发展十分迅速。
  4. In a water-hydrocarbon fluid consisting of water and nonane, anti-agglomerants composed of two kinds of nonionic surfactant were tested in a visualized high-pressure sapphire apparatus. 摘要利用可视化蓝宝石高压流体测试系统,以甲烷水合物为研究对象,在水和壬烷组成的水-碳氢化合物的混合体系中,研究了由两种非离子表面活性剂组成的复合型防聚剂。
  5. Nonane sulfonic Acid Sodium Salt, 壬烷磺酸钠
  6. Synthesis of nonane diphenyl ether sulphonic acid salts and studies on its performance 壬烷基二苯醚磺酸盐的合成及性能研究