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2024-01-26 21:54:17
美[nɒnˌbæŋk]  英[nɒnbæŋk]
adj.  (机构等)非银行的
sp.  不由银行办理的.


  1. A wide variety of nonbank institutions have taken on the risk. 各种各样的非银行机构都已经承担起风险。
  2. We show that issues underwritten by nonbank investment firms . 我们发现,问题承销的非银行投资公司。
  3. Significant progress was made in rectifying and standardizing nonbank financial institutions. 整顿和规范非银行金融机构取得重要进展。
  4. For example, assume that nonbank credit card sales of $1000 are made and reported to the card company on Jan.20. 例如,假设非银行信用卡购买%241000的东西并在1月20日报告给出卡公司。
  5. Sales may also be made by accepting a customers nonbank credit card (such as American Express). 销售也许页通过接受客户的非银行信用卡来进行(如美国运通卡)。
  6. Thats the way the credit crunch has brought rapid growth to many nonbank lenders. 这就是紧缩信用社让非银行机构大发利市的现象。