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2024-01-26 22:12:17
美[nɒnʃələntli]  英[nɒnʃələntli]
adv.  不激动地;冷淡地


  1. in a composed and unconcerned manner;

    "without more ado Barker borrowed a knife from his brigade Major and honed it on a carborundum stone as coolly as a butcher"

  2. in an unconcerned manner;

    "glanced casually at the headlines"


  1. He was leaning nonchalantly against the wall. 他漫不经心地斜倚着墙。
  2. She shrugged nonchalantly and turned away. 她毫不在乎地耸耸肩,扭头走了。
  3. She answered nonchalantly, “Because I only like the jam on top. 她不经一事地说:“因为我只爱吃上面的酱啊。”
  4. So says my oldest nonchalantly as he go in the car yesterday. 昨天大儿子上车时就这样问我。
  5. Again Tu Wei-yueh smiled nonchalantly and remained silent. 屠维岳依然冷幽幽地微笑,总是不说话。
  6. You muster the courage to inch you arm nonchalantly around her shouder, eyeing her sidewise , taking stock. 你鼓起勇气把你的胳膊向她挪近,并轻轻地搭在她的肩上,从侧面看着她,揣摸着。