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2024-01-26 22:15:16
美[ˌnɒnkəlɪdʒɪt]  英[nɒnkəliːdʒɪɪt]
adj.  非 College 制度的;不属于学院的
n.  不属于 College 的大学生


  1. In many of our big cities today, the students left behind in the noncollegiate programs are marked as a lower breed. 同时,长期很少受到挑战的优等生地位可能是解决大难度智力问题的最好准备。
  2. 12 In many of our big cities today, the students left behind in the noncollegiate programs are marked as a lower breed.Indeed, most of them, come from poor, lower-class homes. 当今的许多大城市里,那些不在上学院课程的学生们被认为低人一等,确实,他们中的大多数家境贫寒、层次较低。
  3. noncollegiate hostel 学生公寓