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2024-01-26 22:18:16
美[ˌnɒnkɒmbətənt]  英[ˌnɒnkɒmbətənt]
n.  非战斗员
adj.  非战斗员的


  1. a member of the armed forces who does not participate in combat (e.g. a chaplain or surgeon)
  1. used of civilians in time of war
  2. member of armed forces whose duties do not include fighting as e.g. a chaplain or surgeon


  1. In modern war both combatant and noncombatant are killed in air attack. 在现代战争中,战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。
  2. In modern war both combatant and noncombatant is kill in air attack. 在现代战争中, 战斗人员和非战斗人员遇上空袭都可能丧生。
  3. Prevent all noncombat damage that would be dealt to creatures you control. 防止将对由你操控的生物造成之所有非战斗伤害。
  4. These symbols signify to enemy soldiers that the medic is a noncombatant, providing medical care. 这些标志告诉敌兵,此者是军医,供应医疗的非战斗人员。
  5. If the law requires it, are you willing to perform noncombatant services in the U.S. Armed Forces? 如果法律需要,你愿意在美国军队内执行非战斗人员的任务吗?
  6. See inside also have a noncombatant duty, say questioningly: "How, came again a v/arc corvee? 见里面也有个公差,诧异地说:“怎么,又来了个差役?”