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2024-01-26 22:42:16
美[nɒnkɒnstənt]  英[nɒnkɒnstənt]
adj.  非常数的;非恒量的


  1. Modifies more than one row and also updates the key of a nonunique clustered index to a nonconstant value. 修改多行并且还将非唯一的聚集索引的键更新为非常量值。
  2. If you cannot specify a constant dimension, then you must initialize the array using a loop when the nonconstant dimension becomes known. 如果无法指定常数维度,则必须在不定维度变为已知时使用循环初始化数组。
  3. Complex implies just that, nonlinear implies recursion and higher mathematical algorithms, and dynamic implies nonconstant and nonperiodic. 复杂意谓它就是那样,非线性意谓递归和更高数学法则,而动态意谓非常数及非周期。
  4. As an application, some nonexistence theorems of nonconstant stable harmonic maps from a Finsler manifold to a Riemannian manifold are given. 英文摘要: The first and second variation formulas of the energy functional for a nondegenerate map between Finsler manifolds is derived.
  5. For the open question “If two nonconstant me romorphic functions share three values IM and share a fourth value CM, then do t he functions necessarily share all four values CM? 对“如果两个非常数亚纯函数以三个判别复数为IM分担值并以另外一个复数为CM分担值,那么这两个函数是否以这四个复数为CM分担值?
  6. Chaos theory is defined as the study of complex nonlinear dynamic systems. Complex implies just that, nonlinear implies recursion and higher mathematical algorithms, and dynamic implies nonconstant and nonperiodic. 混沌理论用于研究复杂非线性动态系统。复杂意谓它就是那样,非线性意谓递归和更高数学法则,而动态意谓非常数及非周期。