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2024-01-26 22:43:17
美[nɒnkənsʌmptɪv]  英[nɒnkənsʌmptɪv]
adj.  不利用自然物产(或资源)的


  1. Riparian landowners in all states (including those with appropriative water laws)generally have rights to use their adjoining surface waters for such nonconsumptive uses as fishing and recreation. 所有州的拥有河岸土地的人(包括那些享有合理性权利的人),都有在不不损耗地表水的前提下使用水资源的权利,如钓鱼.;消遣
  2. In the primary nonresidential expenditure model, income, ethnicity, private or public lands, and forest lands had a significant effect on nonconsumptive wildlife recreation expenditures. 实证结果显示,在远距消费支出模型中,个人收入、种族肤色、公私有林地等影响因子,对于非消耗性野生动物游憩活动之消费支出情形具有相对的显著性。