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2024-01-26 22:44:17
美[nɒnkɒntækt]  英[nɒnkɒntækt]
n.  无触点


  1. A New Noncontact Method for Rapidly Measuring Surface Roughness[J]. 引用该论文 胡克平;李田泽.
  2. The distinction between contact and noncontact forces is not fundamental. 接触力与非接触力的区别并不是根本的区别。
  3. As people age, they become increasingly interested in noncontact sports. 人随著年龄增长,就会变得比较喜欢不须相互碰触的运动。
  4. Method for improving precision in noncontact measurement by linear CCD[J]. 引用该论文 李佳列;丁国清;颜国正;朱洪海.
  5. Mapping and Ablation of Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia Using A Noncontact Balloon Catheter Mapping System. 特发性左室室性心动过速非接触球囊导管系统的标测与消融。
  6. A minute or two later, Luke Walton hobbled off the court after tweaking his right ankle in a noncontact injury while trying to defend Sasha Vujacic. 不幸的事似乎还没有结束。大概一两分钟之后,卢克-沃顿又蹒跚地离开了球场,那是因为他在防守萨沙-乌贾基茨时不小心扭了右脚踝。