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2024-01-26 22:53:17
美[nɒndɪfens]  英[nɒndɪfens]
adj.  <美>非国防军用的; 与军事防御无关的


  1. Orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft, a gauge of business investment, dropped 0.4% after falling 2.9% in October. 如剔除飞机订单,上个月非国防类资本性商品的订单额下降了0.;4%25,10月份的跌幅是2
  2. The negative contributors were real money supply, manufacturers new orders for nondefense capital goods, and index of consumer expectations. 负贡献指标是实际货币供应量、制造商的非国防资本财货新订单以及消费者预期指数。
  3. Orders ex transportation rose 1.1% after +0.4%.And orders for nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft rose 4.8% after a 2.9% decline. 剔除交通运输的订单升1.;1%25,前月为升0
  4. To gauge business spending, economists further winnow the durable-goods data to one awkwardly named indicator called nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft. 为了估算企业花费,经济学家将耐用品数据加入一个叫做“不包括飞行器的非国防资本货物”的冗长指数。
  5. nondefense expenditure 非防务支出