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2024-01-26 23:09:16
美[nɒndɒlə]  英[nɒndɒlə]
adj.  非美元(指不以美元为兑换基础的或当地货币不能自由兑换美元的)的;非美元地区的


  1. Sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for trade between nondollar countries. 英磅汇兑为非美元国家间的贸易提供了一种多边结算方式。
  2. And high unemployment keeps the Fed on hold, so anyone with extra dollars or the connections to borrow dollars wins by buying nondollar assets. 高失业率令美联储(Fed)只能按兵不动,因此任何拥有额外美元或有渠道借到美元的人都可以通过购买非美元资产从中获利。
  3. Do you think about receiving the nondollar currency such as Euro, Pound, or Japanese Yen when you conduct business online in the whole world and make it localization? 当您在全球开展业务,进行本地化时,您想过直接收取欧元、英镑、日元等非美元以外的币种吗?
  4. sterling transferability affords a means of multilateral settlement for....trade between nondollar countries. 国际域名的可转让性使得域名交易在国际上早已很风行。