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2024-01-26 23:12:16
美[nɒndjʊrəbəl]  英[nɒndjʊərəbl]
n.  非耐久品
adj.  不耐用的


  1. Antistatic finishes may be either durable or nondurable. 抗静电整理效果可以是永久性的,也可以是非永久性的。
  2. Supermarkets are unusual as repositories for what are called “nondurable goods,” goods that are quickly used and replenished. 商场常常是被称作“非耐用品”的储存地,就是那些很快用完和补充的货物。
  3. nondurable items such as paper products. 如纸制品,不耐用物品
  4. research on the different influences of durable goods, nondurable goods and service consumption to exposure main consumption factor that affect economy in various period; 通过耐用品消费、非耐用品消费以及服务性消费对经济不同影响的分析,得出在不同时期,影响经济的主要消费因素;
  5. nondurable consumer goods 日用消费品