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2024-01-26 23:28:17
美[nʌnˌsʌtʃ]  英[nʌnˌsʌtʃ]
n.  无以匹敌的人;无双的事物
adj.  无双的;无与伦比的


  1. model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal


  1. The Nonesuch could be considered the oldest actively expelling oil source bed. 农萨奇页岩可能是最古老的还在排油的烃源岩。
  2. Nonesuch, beautiful, fair, lovely, pretty, comely, angelic, glamorous, beauteous, beautiful; voluptuous, etc. 绝品,美丽,美丽,可爱美丽动人,天使,富有魔力,美妙的,美丽,漂亮,;色情,等等。
  3. Xiangyu butterfly museum, collect the nonesuch butterfly and shrink the natural fairy in one place. 翔宇蝴蝶博物馆, 浓世界精品蝴蝶于一处,缩自然精灵成一馆。
  4. We will supply a top-ranking international freight agency service, and create the future logistic nonesuch. 我们为您提供一流的国际货运代理服务,更创造未来物流价值的典范!
  5. Uniting of the two companies is not a annexing of law of the jungle, but a collaborate better to better, and a nonesuch of benefiting each other. 这两家公司的合并并非是弱者为强者所兼并;而是信息技术产业两大巨头的强强联姻;是双赢战略的典范.
  6. Yangduren is another unique dish.Its the nonesuch among the Baodur.A plate of such dish can only be cooked with 7 to 8 sheep. 羊肚仁这另一道菜就是爆肚中的极品羊肚仁了,要七八只羊才出得了一盘!