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2024-01-26 23:52:16
美[nɒngʌvənmənt]  英[nɒngʌvənmənt]
adj.  非政府的;非政治(上)的


  1. Unauthorized nongovernment financial services and other illegal activities should be banned in accordance with the law. 依法取缔社会乱办金融等违法活动。
  2. Many governments have provided incentives for such schemes by offering tax advantages to nongovernment organizations. 许多国家的政府都通过对非政府组织的税收优惠,来鼓励这种补贴方式。
  3. Unauthorized nongovernment financial services and other illegal activities were banned in accordance with the law. 依法取缔社会乱办金融等违法活动。
  4. The same goes for nongovernment mortgage bonds, which dont benefit from any federal support. 没有得益于任何联邦支持的非政府抵押贷款债券也是如此。
  5. The nongovernment organizations play an important role in implementing and maintaining the program. 非政府组织对该计划的产生、实施和维护起了重要作用。
  6. While financial management in nongovernment business is in an unnormal state because of its special economic pattern. 但民营企业的特殊的经济形态及成长方式,使得民营企业的财务管理处于一种非正常的状态之中,它具有明显的自身特点。