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2024-01-27 00:02:17
美[nɒnaɪdentətɪ]  英[nɒnaɪdentɪtɪ]
n.  不同一性


  1. Objective: To analyze the prognosis of nonidentity in bigeminal pregnancy. 摘要目的:分析不同一性双胎妊娠围生儿预后。
  2. This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity, with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief. 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。
  3. This field is to be corner-stoned on nonidentity,with the autonomy of literary criticism as its common belief. 一个理想的文学批评场域应该基于非同一性基础上,以文学批评自主性作为共同遵守的信念。
  4. For negative order reactions, nonidentity of fluid flow has different effects on conversion according to the operation parameter. 梯形微通道内气体传热行为受速度滑移和温度跳跃的相互影响所控制;
  5. The nonidentity spares a possible space for a deontology of the real right between the first and the second forms of Kants categorical imperative. 摘要在建构一种物权的道义论意图下,本文首先论证,康德定言命令前两种表述在逻辑上的非等价性为物权道义论预留了可能的空间;
  6. The critical theory of Frankfurt School, especial the philosophy of"nonidentity" fromAdomo provides a significant foundation of methodology for the dissertation. 法兰克福学派的批判理论,尤其是阿多诺的“非同一性”的哲学思想为论文提供了具有指导意义的方法论基础。