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2024-01-27 00:36:17
美[nɒnmægnetɪk]  英[nɒnmægnetɪk]
adj.  非磁性的
n.  非磁性物(无磁性钢)


  1. not capable of being magnetized


  1. For nonmagnetic cemented carbide dies. 适于制造无磁硬质合金模具。
  2. Nonmagnetic stainless steel,suitable to manufacture electronic parts. 无磁不锈钢,作电子元件。
  3. It will suffice here to merely outline the limited classical argument for nonmagnetic materials. 在这里只提一提对非磁材料的经典讨论就够了。
  4. In this device, a small voltage would switch the semiconductor between nonmagnetic and ferromagnetic states. 在此元件中,稍微施加电压即可使半导体在非磁与铁磁两种状态之间切换。
  5. A nonmagnetic solid solution of ferric carbide or carbon in iron,used in making corrosion-resistant steel. 奥氏体一种非磁性的固状可溶性含铁碳化物或含碳铁,用于制作不锈钢
  6. A nonmagnetic solid solution of ferric carbide or carbon in iron, used in making corrosion - resistant steel. 奥氏体一种非磁性的固状可溶性含铁碳化物或含碳铁,用于制作不锈钢