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2024-01-27 00:44:16
美[nɒnmʌnɪtərɪ]  英[nɒnmʌnɪtərɪ]
adj.  非货币的;非金融的


  1. There are lots of other nonmonetary benefits as well. 当然,还有很多非金钱的回报。
  2. Apart from the above methods, some nonmonetary methods are also described. 另外在详述货币计量方法的同时,还简述了有关非货币计量方法;
  3. Nonmonetary benefits to landowners can be added to the above framework. 对土地拥有者的非货币利益可以另算。
  4. Management accounting places less emphasis on verifiability and more emphasis on nonmonetary data. 管理会计不太强调可验证性,而强调非货币数据。
  5. A firm can also keep its employees committed and motivated by nonmonetary means. 企业也可以通过非经济的途径来保持和激励员工的责任心。
  6. However, since recognition can include monetary and nonmonetary, formal and informal, and individual and group mechanisms, reward and recognition systems do permit flexibility. 但是,既然认可措施可能包括货币的和非货币的、正式的和非正式的、个人的和团体的等各种方式,那么奖励和认可体系允许具有灵活性。