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2024-01-27 01:09:16
美[ˌnɑːnpərel]  英[ˌnɒnpəreɪl]
adj.  无法匹敌的
n.  全善全美的人;粘有糖粒的扁圆巧克力


  1. 无比的
  2. 无上的
  3. 无双的
  4. 独特的
  5. 无法匹敌的
  1. 极品
  2. 金冠苹果
  3. 【印】六点老式铅字
  4. 各色小糖珠
  5. 一种苹果
  6. 全善全美
  7. 无可匹敌的人或物
  8. 举世无双的人或物
  9. 完美无比的人
  10. 沾有小白糖粒的扁圆巧克力糖
  11. 六点间隔


  1. model of excellence or perfection of a kind; one having no equal
  2. colored beads of sugar used as a topping on e.g. candies and cookies
  3. a flat disk of chocolate covered with beads of colored sugar
  1. eminent beyond or above comparison;

    "matchless beauty" "the teams nonpareil center fielder" "shes one girl in a million" "the one and only Muhammad Ali" "a peerless scholar" "infamy unmatched in the Western world" "wrote with unmatchable clarity" "unrivaled mastery of her art"


  1. We may have to agree that the noble Lord is not precisely a nonpareil as a departmental minister. 我们也许只能一致认定:这位高贵的勋爵作为一位大臣不一定算得全善全美。
  2. Studies on the micropropagation of5cultivars of almond,Bulgaria1,Nonpareil,Fritz,Prize and Neplus,was conducted with node explants. 对5个引进的美国扁桃品种Bulgaria1、Nonpareil、Fritz、Prize和Neplus的微繁殖进行了研究。
  3. Keane may be a nonpareil in that regard but Neville will never be found wanting if a team-mate needs someone by his side. 基恩也许得到了无比的尊敬,但如果队友需要帮助的话内维尔总会出现在你的面前。
  4. Can McGrady, entering his 11th NBA season, at long last live up to his nonpareil reputation and deliver a blue-collar, crunch-time effort in the post-season? 麦迪即将进入第11个赛季,他能在季后赛的关键时刻咬紧牙关,像那些专干脏活的蓝领队员杀出一条血路,以对得上无上名气吗?
  5. How could he sit amongst them, at social wine parties, perhaps, or at pleasant little dinners, that were washed down with Nonpareil and Chambertin, Pomard and Champagne? 在社交酒会上,或者在“无双”酒和香槟酒、“香伯坦”和“波马”葡萄酒象水一样流淌的、愉快的小小宴会上,他怎么能坐在他们中间呢?
  6. the Yankees nonpareil center fielder. 洋基队无以匹敌的中锋外野队员