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2024-01-27 01:16:17
美[nɒnpɑːtɪ]  英[nɒnpɑːtɪ]
adj.  不偏不倚的


  1. Teams of four and five nonparty cadres would enter a village and try to arouse it against the landlord. 往往是三、五个非党干部组成一个工作组,奉派到一个村子去发动群众斗争地主。
  2. The CCP used a form of discipline known as shuang gui for violations of CPC discipline, but there were reports of its use against nonparty members. 中国共产党采取一种叫做“双规”的惩戒手段对付违反纪律的党员,但有报告指“双规”曾用来对待党外人士。
  3. They introduce competition among cadres and, to a lesser extent, between party and nonparty members where absolutely none existed before. 这在干部队伍中,在某种程度上,甚至党和无党派人士之间引入了竞争,在以前这从未有过。
  4. Some of the more inexperienced nonparty cadres - and the majority were inexperienced in this situation - were grieved that the peasants would not submit to the government. 当时,大部分干部都还缺乏经验,尤其是某些非党干部,对农民不服从政府的领导,更是忧心忡忡。
  5. In the past I was a member of party,because I had a dream to become a officer.in fact, I was a fake party member, similar as "nonparty"member, I really didnt like bits of news which is against peace. 我过去是一个共产党员,以前梦想到政界去展露头角,就入了。其实绝对“伪”党派人士,说的更通俗就是“无党派”,我对有些琐碎的反和平事件,感觉很厌恶。
  6. nonparty(or nonpartisan;nonpartizan)personage 无党派人士