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2024-01-27 01:22:16
美[nɒnpɪərɪɒdɪk]  英[nɒnpɪərɪɒdɪk]
adj.  非周期性的(无周期的;非振荡的;非配谐的)


  1. not recurring at regular intervals


  1. Finding Cycles: Periodic and Nonperiodic. 寻找周期:周期的和非周期的。
  2. However, sounds that display a recognizable periodicity tend to be more musical than those that are nonperiodic. 与非周期性的声音相比,具有周期性的声音听起来要悦耳得多。
  3. The press in fault varies with time in nonperiodic oscillation hich reflect the chaotic behavior of fault evolution. 断裂中压力随时间呈现出非周期振荡变化,反映了断裂演化的混沌特征。
  4. Complex implies just that, nonlinear implies recursion and higher mathematical algorithms, and dynamic implies nonconstant and nonperiodic. 复杂意谓它就是那样,非线性意谓递归和更高数学法则,而动态意谓非常数及非周期。
  5. Two models of 2D photonic crystal of line defects and nonperiodic dielectric rods are established.The finite-difference-time-domain method is developed for the study of bandgap. 构建了介质柱间距变化的变周期结构以及介质柱半径线缺陷两种二维光子晶体模型,并将时域有限差分法用于其能带特性研究。
  6. Furthermore, the effect of Combinatorial Nonperiodic Defected Ground Structure (CNPDGS)on the characteristic of the low-pass filter formed by the CNPDGS structure is studied. 分析了在原有的低通滤波器的基础上加入了非周期缺陷接地结构后对滤波特性的影响。