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2024-01-27 01:23:17
美[nɒnperɪʃəbəl]  英[nɒnperɪʃəbl]
n.  不易损坏之物
adj.  不易坏的


  1. Work toward stocking up on a few nonperishable items to build up your pantry. 努力采购少许的容易腐烂的食物来补充您的冰箱。
  2. The producers of oil and other nonperishable commodities have an advantage. 产石油和其他不易坏物品的生产者有其优势。
  3. In addition, contract of nonperishable product is just the special case of that of the perishable product. 此外,非易腐物品供应链的数量折扣合同仅为易腐品的特例。
  4. Harvards first group of volunteers also donated 166 pounds of nonperishable goods, raised through an in-house food drive. 哈佛的第一组志愿者也捐赠了166磅的不易损坏的食物。这些食物是通过内部食物募集会得来的。
  5. Other nonperishable objects, such as long, elegant beads made of carnelian( a form of red agate) and shell bangles from the Indus Valley, have been dug up in Central Asia and Mesopotamia. 在中亚和美索不达米亚还挖出了其他不会毁坏的东西,例如来自印度河流域、红玉髓(玛瑙的一种)成的长串雅致珠炼和贝壳手镯。
  6. Other nonperishable objects, such as long, elegant beads made of carnelian (a form of red agate) and shell bangles from the Indus Valley, have been dug up in Central Asia and Mesopotamia. 在中亚和美索不达米亚还挖出了其他不会毁坏的东西,例如来自印度河流域、以红玉髓(红玛瑙的一种)制成的长串雅致珠鍊和贝壳手镯。