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2024-01-27 01:44:17
美[nɒnriːæktɪv]  英[nɒnriːæktɪv]
adj.  不起反应的(无抗的;非电抗的;无回授的)


  1. Place fillets in a shallow, nonreactive container. 再取一只浅磁容器,放入鱼肉片。
  2. To make(an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen. 使减感使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应
  3. To make(an individual)nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen. 使减感使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应
  4. All it means is that any "doing" becomes nonreactive. 它讲的一切是任何的“行动”都要变为不带抵抗性质。
  5. Immunology To make (an individual) nonreactive or insensitive to an antigen. 使减感:使(某个体)对某抗原不敏感或不发生反应
  6. All 26 uninfected patients had a nonreactive serum enzyme-linked immunoassay. 所有的26人的血清酶联免疫吸附试验都为阴性。