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2024-01-27 01:56:16
美[nɒnˌrɪprədʌktɪv]  英[nɒnriːprədʌktɪv]
adj.  无生殖力的


  1. The experiment marks the first time that any nonreproductive human tissue has been transformed into gametes. 这次试验标志着第一次将人类的非生殖组织转变为配子。
  2. The larger of two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans, which controls nonreproductive functions of the cell, such as metabolism. 大核原生动物纤毛虫类体中两个细胞核中较大的一个,控制细胞的非生殖性功能,如新陈代谢
  3. Research has been put out on several main reproduction hormaones variations on the white geese in West Anhui during reproductive and nonreproductive periods. 摘要本文研究了皖西白鹅雌鹅几种主要生殖激素在生殖期与非生殖期的变化情况。
  4. One is the well-established mechanism by which estrogen influences all its target tissues in females, reproductive and nonreproductive alike: After estrogen crosses a cells outer membrane and cytoplasm, it enters the nucleus and binds to its receptor. 其中之一是早已确立的机制,透过这种机制,雌性素可以影响女性所有雌性素的目标组织,不管这些组织是否与生殖有关:雌性素会穿过细胞膜及细胞质,再进入细胞核结合到其受体。
  5. The relevant hormone determining results show: Prolactin (PRL), estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P) content in serum have regularly changed during reproductive and nonreproductive phase. 相关激素测定的结果表明:血清中垂体泌乳素(PRL)、雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P)含量在生殖期和非生殖期呈现规律性变化。
  6. the larger of two nuclei present in ciliate protozoans,which controls nonreproductive functions of the cell,such as metabolism 大核原生动物,纤毛虫类体中两个细胞核中较大的一个,控制细胞的非生殖性功能,如新陈代谢