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2024-01-27 02:01:17
美[ˌnɒnrɪzɪstəns]  英[ˌnɒnrɪzɪstəns]
n.  不抵抗;不抵抗主义


  1. group refusal to resort to violence even in defense against violence


  1. The key word he used was nonresistance. 他用的关键词是没有反抗行为。
  2. Nonresistance doesnt necessarily mean doing nothing. 不抵抗不一定意味着什么都不去做。
  3. What about nonresistance in the face of violence, aggression, and the like? 面对暴力、侵犯之类事情时的那种不抵抗呢?
  4. A member of an Anabaptist church characterized particularly by simplicity of life, pacifism, and nonresistance. 孟诺派教徒再洗礼派教徒,该派的显著特征是提倡简朴的生活、和平主义及不抵抗
  5. A member of an Anabaptist church characterized particularly by simplicity of life,pacifism,and nonresistance. 孟诺派教徒再洗礼派教徒,该派的显著特征是提倡简朴的生活、和平主义及不抵抗
  6. He was attempting to convey symbolically the secret of nonresistance and nonreaction. 他是在要用象征地手法传递一个不抵抗、不反应的例子。