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2024-01-27 02:02:17
美[nɒnrɪzɪstənt]  英[nɒnrɪzɪstənt]
adj.  不抵抗的;不抵抗主义者的
n.  不抵抗;不抵抗主义者


  1. (often followed by `to) likely to be affected with;

    "liable to diabetes"

  2. offering no resistance


  1. At the highest levels, 1s become a pure, nonresistant channel, a clear conduit through which an unlimited amount of creativity flows into the world. 在最高的层次,1成为一个洁净的、不抗拒的管道,一个将无限量的创造力流向世界的明确渠道。
  2. Especially in nonresistant strata,in order to keep borehole wall stability we usually raise the drilling fluid density,but it seriously impede the rate of penetration. 尤其是不稳定地层,常常靠提高钻井液密度来保证井壁稳定,严重的制约了钻速的提高。
  3. Malaria infection does exact a toll on mosquitoes and in laboratory work they found that the resistant insects were able to out compete nonresistant mosquitoes. 疟疾传播主要依靠蚊子,在试验工作中研究小组发现抗疟昆虫可以不受非抗疟蚊子的传染。
  4. The directly application of superconductor is great electric current with nonresistant transmition and the uniquely application is the superconducting electronics which is based on Josephson effect. 超导体最直接的应用是无电阻传输大电流,最神奇的部分则是以约瑟夫森效应为基础的超导电子学技术。
  5. 9. Furthermore, few if any violent revolutions have been successful unless the violent minority had the sympathy and support of the nonresistant majority. 此外,除非主张暴力的少数人得到大多数人的同情与支持,不和他们对抗,否则暴力革命很少或者说几乎没有成功。