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2024-01-27 02:08:17
美[nɒnsaɪəns]  英[nɒnsaɪəns]
adj.  非科学的
n.  非科学


  1. Therefore, it is not comprehensive to treat Economics as a hard science or soft science or nonscience. 因此,单纯地将经济学当作一门硬科学或一门软科学甚或是非科学都是不全面的。
  2. It is essential to distinguish the false science in modern medical study. This paper deals with the science and nonscience in medical study. 在现代医学研究领域里识别伪科学是非常重要的,本文所探讨的便是医学研究中的科学与伪科学。
  3. The most important standard for distinguishing bwtween science and nonscience is testable and repetitive.It is not outdated. 区分科学与非科学最重要的标准是它的可检验性和可重复性。
  4. Forced Delimit Between Science and Nonscience If It Is Possible 科学与非科学的硬性划界何以可能
  5. Investigation and Analysis on Chemistry Study of Nonscience Students in Middle Schools 中学文科学生化学学习情况调查分析及对策