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2024-01-27 02:10:17
美[nɒnself]  英[nɒnself]
n.  (有机体的)异物


  1. The second,immune system and intrusion detection system resolve the problem described elimination of self and nonself. 第二,免疫系统和入侵检测系统要解决的问题都可以被描述为识别“自我”和“非自我”并将“非自我”消除的问题。
  2. Oral tolerance is a state of antigen-specific i mmunologic al unresponsiveness that can be induced by oral self or nonself antigens. 口服免疫耐受是通过口服抗原后引起机体对该抗原不产生或产生低免疫反应的一种特异性无应答状态。
  3. Organisms capable of an adaptive immunity must be able to distinguish "self" from "nonself and possess an"immunologic memory. 有机体对免疫性的适应能力必须区分于自我和无我,并拥有一种免疫学记忆。
  4. In permitting destruction of nonself while preventing destruction of self, T-regs may prove to be the ultimate immunological peacekeepers. 调节性T细胞让免疫系统能够摧毁外来物质,同时还能防止自我破坏,它们是免疫系统最重要的维和部队。
  5. These recognition rules can reflect the inherent properties of self and nonself , so they have great ability to distinguish self from nonself. 仔细地考察碉的免疫系统我们可以发现,生物免疫系统与计算机安全系统存在着许多相似之处。
  6. The dynamic evolution of self and nonself, the presentation of the antigen, and the generation of the antibody are proposed. 分析了计算机病毒的逻辑结构,建立了自体和非自体的演化方程、抗原提呈及抗体生成方法。