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2024-01-27 02:13:17
美[nɒnsekʃʊəl]  英[nɒnseksjʊəl]
adj.  无性别的;无性的;无性生物特有的


  1. not having or involving sex;

    "an asexual spore" "asexual reproduction"


  1. Something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. 恋物情结一个物体或身体上能引起性欲并可能成为性满足必需物的非性部分
  2. Scientists have long known that some decidedly nonsexual things can get our brains going. 很久以来科学家们就发现某些一定属于和性无关的事物能让我们头脑兴奋。
  3. On the other hand, nonsexual activities or distractions can complete the loss of erection rather rapidly. 另一方面,在无性活动或分心的情况下,阴茎勃起会相当快地消失。
  4. HIV is not transmitted by casual contact or even by the close nonsexual contact that occurs at work, school, or home. 在工作场所、学校或家里的平常接触甚或密切的非性接触都不会传播HIV。
  5. Spores are agents of nonsexual reproduction;gametes are agents of sexual reproduction. 孢子是无性繁殖的代表,配子是有性繁殖的代表。
  6. Something,such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body,that arouses sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. 恋物情结一个物体或身体上能引起性欲并可能成为性满足必需物的非性部分。