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2024-01-27 02:46:17
美[nɒnjuːs]  英[nɒnjuːs]
n.  不使用(不形成习惯;放弃)


  1. However, the mere nonuse of an asset is insufficient. 然而,纯粹停止使用一项资产是不足以对其进行减值的。
  2. In other words, nonuse does not constitute abandonment by itself. 换句话说,不使用并不意味放弃。
  3. Twenty-four Hour Sentinel Flush keeps fixture fresh during periods of nonuse. 如果24小时内无人使用,则这种冲水阀能够自动冲刷一次,以保持卫生洁具的干净清洁。
  4. Alone, most of the electronic bits are wimpy and would die of nonuse. 单干,多数电子簇就会失去作用,并因此而死亡。
  5. Nonuse values include the existence value and benefit to future generations. 非利用价值包括生存价值和给未来世代的利益。
  6. Debit cards, also nonus known as check cards, do not have intrest interest charges. 借记卡,也被称作支票卡,不收利息费。