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2024-01-27 02:47:17
美[nɒnjuːzə]  英[nɒnjuːzə]
n.  不行使权利;放弃权利;弃权


  1. User goals are not the only type of goals that designers need to take into account. Customer goals, business goals, and technical goals are all nonuser goals. 用户目标并非设计者要考虑的唯一类型的目标,顾客目标、业务目标和技术目标不是用户目标。
  2. Debit cards, also nonus known as check cards, do not have intrest interest charges. 借记卡,也被称作支票卡,不收利息费。
  3. Inquiry of Net Information Service for Net Nonuser 为非网络用户提供网络信息资源服务的探讨
  4. 17. User goals are not the only type of goals that designers need to take into account. Customer goals, business goals, and technical goals are all nonuser goals. 用户目标并非设计者要考虑的唯一类型的目标,顾客目标、业务目标和技术目标不是用户目标。
  5. nonus 舌下神经