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2024-01-27 02:48:16
美[nɒnjʊ(ː)tɪlɪtɪ]  英[nɒnjʊ(ː)tɪlɪtɪ]
n.  不用的(无用的)


  1. Daughter youth: "Nonutility! That I look for anyway is husbands family ". 女青年:“不用啦!反正我找的是婆家。”
  2. Because of nonutility spends money lonely, very cheaply with regard to being able to. 因为孤单是廉价的,甚至可以说不用花钱就可以得到。
  3. Utility of nonutility of aesthetic education has long been an issue of controversy since aesthetic education was formally accepted in the Chinese context. 摘要从“美育”一词进入中国语境中以来,美育的“功利性”和“超功利性”便是人们争论不休的话题。
  4. I like to run , feel that being well very much very unrestrained.As if this only has me in the world, nonutility goes to curry favour with others again , nonutility goes to admire others again. 我喜欢跑步,感觉很舒服很自在,似乎这个世界上只有我,不用再去讨好别人,不用再去羡慕别人。
  5. Grow up therefore nonutility gets rid of scarce time, some moment this one second all is a long slow time interval , haw-haw, loyaltys wish you happiness spending every seconds.Will be happy forever. 摆脱了珍贵的时间成长因此也是毫无意义的,而某一时刻这所有中的一秒就是一段冗长而缓慢的时间间隔,哈哈,衷心希望你幸福地度过每一秒,永远快乐!
  6. 2.Green environmental protection , nonutility battery; 2.;绿色环保;不用电池;