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2024-01-27 02:51:17
美[ˌnɒnvɜːbəl]  英[ˌnɒnvɜːbl]
adj.  非言辞语的;不用语言的


  1. being other than verbal communication;

    "the study of gestural communication" "art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression"

  2. lacking verbal skill;

    "rural students often come from nonverbal backgrounds"

  3. involving little use of language;

    "a nonverbal intelligence test"


  1. Gestures are a nonverbal means of expression. 打手势是一种非言语的表达方式。
  2. Nonverbal: facial gestures, body language, dress. 非语言形式:面部表情,体语,服饰。
  3. Art like gesture is a form of nonverbal expression. 艺术与姿势一样,都是一种非言辞表达形式。
  4. Nonverbal means "without the use of words. 非言语意思是“不使用话语来实现”。
  5. Gestures comprise a major form of nonverbal communication. 手势是非语言传达中很重要的一环。
  6. Its also listening, nonverbal expressions, and silence. 它也可以是倾听、非言语表达和沉默。