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2024-01-27 02:52:16
美[nɒnvaɪəbəl]  英[nɒnvaɪəbl]
adj.  不能生长发育的;不可行的


  1. not capable of living or developing successfully


  1. Premature expulsion of a nonviable fetus from the uterus. 流产不能成活的胎儿过早地从子宫中分娩出来
  2. All nonviable tissue, both osseous and soft tissue, should be removed. 所有无活性的组织,包括骨组织和软组织,都应清除。
  3. Abortion is defined as termination of pregnancy resulting in expulsion of an immature, nonviable fetus. 妊娠终止导致未成熟的、无法成活的胎儿被排出体外称为流产。
  4. The survey commissioned by the Dutch government reports that doctors now kill about 15 nonviable newborns a year. 荷兰政府授权进行的那项调查表明,目前医生每年大约要处死15个不能存活的新生儿。
  5. Solutions from within different cultures should not be automatically deemed nonviable because we don’t completely understand them. 我们不能因为不理解其他文化中的解决问题之道就觉得这些办法肯定行不通。
  6. It helped to soften the nonviable tissues that we didn’t have to invasively cut into his legs to remove and it worked beautifully on him. 蜂蜜将坏死的组织软化,这样我们就不必进行外科手术将坏死的部分切除,这个方法在他身上发挥的非常完美。