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2024-01-27 02:58:17
美[nɒnwaɪt]  英[nɒnwaɪt]
adj.  非白人的
n.  非白人


  1. Its true that few nonwhite males hold senior positions at the networks. 在这些电视网,身居要职的非白人男性确实寥寥无几。
  2. In all, more than forty percent of professional baseball players were nonwhite. 总共有超过40%25的职业棒球选手不是白人。
  3. Unfortunately, the proportion of women and nonwhite patients was small in this study. 不幸的是,在研究中妇女和非白人患者的比例太少。
  4. Crovax will be white and have white creatures get +1/+1. Nonwhite creatures get -1/-1. 寇维克司会是白色且具有“白色生物得+1/+1,非白色生物得-1/-1。”
  5. The comparison between the life-style of the white and the life-style of the nonwhite. 3.;对白人、非白人的生活方式的比较与反思。
  6. Every day these messages shaped the images that I and other nonwhite children had of ourselves. 每天,这些信息都在帮助我和其他非白种人的孩子们树立我们自己的形象。