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2024-01-27 04:08:17
美[nɔːrs]  英[nɔːs]
adj.  (古)斯堪的纳维亚语的
n.  古斯堪的纳维亚语;古挪威语


  1. an inhabitant of Scandinavia
  2. a native or inhabitant of Norway
  3. the northern family of Germanic languages that are spoken in Scandinavia and Iceland
  1. of or relating to Scandinavia or its peoples or cultures;

    "Norse sagas" "Norse nomads"

  2. of or relating to Norway or its people or culture or language;

    "Norwegian herring"


  1. It is neither hot nor cold in winter here. 这里冬天既不热也不冷。
  2. He has neither prepared his lesson nor gone to bed. 他没有准备功课也没有睡觉。
  3. Hes neither an electrician nor a mechanic. 他既不是电工也不是技工。
  4. Nor am I aware that anyone else knows the secret. 我也不知道别人谁还能知道这个秘密。
  5. The hotel is neither spacious nor comfortable. 这旅馆既不宽敞也不舒服。
  6. Neither masculine nor feminine in gender. 中性的既非阳性也非阴性的