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2024-01-27 04:47:16
美[nɔːθwestwəd]  英[nɔːθwestwəd]
adj.  西北方的(朝西北的)
n.  西北方


  1. the compass point midway between north and west; at 315 degrees
  1. toward the northwest
  1. in a northwestward direction


  1. He pointed his boat northwestward. 他将船驶向西北。
  2. Lyophyllum carbonarium is one of the most delicious edible mushroom in the northwestward of lunnan province. 摘要炭色离褶伞是溴西北一种珍稀的大型食用菌资源。
  3. The Pacific Plate grinds northwestward past the North American Plate at a rate of about two inches per year. 太平洋板块向西北方(译注:似乎应该是东北?)往北美洲板块移动,移动速度大约是每年两英寸(译注:25.;4厘米)。
  4. PARMA drifted northwestward today. At 14 HKT, PARMA was centred about 630 km (340 NM) SE of Hong Kong. 芭玛今日向西北方向移动。在14HKT,芭玛集结在香港东南约630公里(340海里)。
  5. The above results mean that the Kuroshio intrudes northwestward at the 200 and 500 m levels of moored station through the Luzon Strait in SCS. 这些都表明黑潮在吕宋海峡锚碇测流站200和500m处向西北方向入侵南海.
  6. The surface wind driven currents at the center of the lake mostly meander and northwestward flow.There exist eddies at a side of the strong meander. 表层风生流在湖的中央为大致流向西北的弯曲流动,在大弯曲的地方一侧出现涡流。