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2024-01-27 05:05:16
美[noʊzˌpiːs]  英[nəʊzpiːs]
n.  鼻羁;鼻甲;眼镜的鼻梁架


  1. armor plate that protects the nose
  2. a strap that is the part of a bridle that goes over the animals nose
  3. the link between two lenses; rests on the nose


  1. How is nosepiece hypertrophy treated? 鼻甲肥大如何治疗?
  2. Position the respirator under you chin with the nosepiece up. 将呼吸器置于下颚下端,并且将鼻梁夹朝上。
  3. Next nosepiece are corpulent. What drug can you take? 下鼻甲肥大。能吃什么药?
  4. Adjustable nosepiece design permits individual facial adjustment. 鼻梁夹设计可依不同脸型做最舒适的调整。
  5. For those respirators without a metal nosepiece, no adjustment is possible. 如果没有金属鼻夹,就没有办法调整。
  6. Place your fingertips from both hands at the top of the metal nosepiece. 将双手指尖放在金属鼻夹顶部。