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2024-01-27 05:20:17
美[nɒsədʒenɪsɪs]  英[nɒsədʒenɪsɪs]
n.  [医]致病原因;发病原理


  1. Conclusion: Most of the patients have no definite nosogenesis. 结论:绝大多数患者无明确病因;
  2. Opportunistic bacteria were the main nosogenesis of nccomia1 infection. 病原菌主要为条件致病菌;
  3. Results: There were only 34.9% of the 126 patients had definite nosogenesis. 结果:全组126例有明确致病因素者占34.;9%25。
  4. The nosogenesis was trauma 21 examples,medical source 15 examples,infectivity 10 examples. 病因为外伤性21例、医源性15例、感染性10例。
  5. The present situation on the function of cytokines on the RA nosogenesis was described in this review. 简要综述了细胞因子在RA发病中的促炎、抗炎作用,及细胞因子间的相互作用。
  6. Objective:To explore nosogenesis operative indication and opportunity of normal pressure cranial hydrocephalus. 目的:探讨正常压力性脑积水的发病机理、手术指征及手术时机。